We started blogging January in the year of 2012. We had no prior experience in content creation nor writing in any form of media. We always wanted to write our stories in an online format and we thought blogging is a great avenue. So what platform to choose? Blogger had been the easiest and a good platform for newbies in blogging.
As a start, we used blogspot for the first five months. But later on, we decided to get our own domain and purchased it from Godaddy via Blogger.

Blogger had the simplest interface and neat view. It also has the flexibility to utilized most of Google tools by using single sign-on, which is very convenient for people who hates keeping multiple passwords. You can use Google Analytics, and photos from Picasa with an ease. We never encountered any issues of using Blogger for the last the four years. In fact, it kept us really safe from annoying hackers and scammers with its top-notch tiered security, courtesy of Google.
The Migration
After two years under Godaddy and Blogger. We made a decision to move our domain registry to Namecheap. But why? because it’s darn cheap and the promotion for moving our domain was simply irresistible. We paid less than $10 including ICANN fee + WHOisguard and taxes for a year. It was such a great deal.
Just after a two years with our domain registry at Namecheap, and four years in Blogger. We completely decided to move from Blogger to a self-hosted WordPress. By the way, we’re not a rookie of using WP as we used them for our other blog. We purchased the Shared Hosting Professional Plan from Namecheap. It’s worth $19.88 for a year and $78.88 when renewed, which is absolutely a winning deal.
It comes with a 50GB SSD-Accelerated Disk Space, Unlimited Bandwidth and can host up to 10 websites. Take advantage of this exciting offer by clicking the link below.
We bid adieu of using Blogger for the last 4 years and say bye bye to Half a million page views with over 10,000 views a month despite for being not so active in blogging.

Hello! WordPress
We knew it’s not a walk in the park migrating the entire posts of 200+ in WordPress. It is definitely a painstaking process and took a lot of preparation, trial and error, and patience. We used this guide in migrating our blog. This really helped us fixing about the redirection and the entire migration process.

It only took us at less than an hour to completely moved the blog. The transfer run smoothly and can’t recall there was a glitch. The only issue we have was configuring the DNS which was fix with the help of a Tech rep from Namecheap chat support. It is one, I like about Namecheap, there superb after sales support. Now we are just working on the dead links and fixing the mobile redirection.

Now we are embarking on a new chapter of our blogging life and embracing what WordPress can offer. Expect for more posts soon.
By the way. How do you like the new design?
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