14:26 24/11/2013 We thought of ending 2013 without ticking any of 40ish list. After a series of wretched and unfavorable circumstance on a first half of the year. Not to discuss in details but it consumed a lot of energy, time and dries up our cash flow. Which left us no choice but to cancel our planned trips with a heavy heart (drama to it’s finest). But one day a toss of luck turns back to our side and the last thing we could remember. We’re booking flights till our travel yearning got satiated. If you badly wanted something, all the universe conspire in helping you to achieve it.This case, Air Asia granted our wish and flown us to Krabi to full fill one on the list #3. Snorkel in one of the pristine beach of Andaman Sea.

On a beautiful Sunday afternoon right after touring the beautiful islands of Phi Phi in Krabi. Our speed boat immediately anchored to Andaman waters. The sea was emerald green as reflected from the verdant hill surrounded the island. It looks inviting but the fear of deep waters overtook our enthusiasm. Next thing we knew, snorkeling gears were passed on to all tour members. Excitement, fear, and a set of emotions mixed up all together. Any moment we’ll be leaping to an open sea with a life vest that supports our dear life. Suppressing our aquaphobia was one thing, but jumping to deep waters takes us to a different level. Surely it took a lot of courage and push from someone else in case we chickened out.
Photo Op before taking the plunge. |
Alas! first taste of saline water of Andaman Sea. So this is how it feels, just like an excrement floating at the sea, lol. Wearing a loose extra size life jacket was totally uncomfortable and it keeps the vest pushing upward. So it’s advisable to have a fit and functioning well-strapped vest when snorkeling. Aside from the life preserver we find the gears alien to us and didn’t find well it’s purpose. As we’re coping how to breathe from the tube alternately with our nose. An excuse for amateurish supported by the saying goes “There’s always a first time”.
We thought snorkeling was easy, after failing several attempts, we’d say a Big NO! It’s difficult to balance while flapping your feet and staying afloat on the surface and taking photos at the same time. It’s a kind of water activity that you can’t master on a single try.
Aside from the hiccups of using the gears, snorkeling on a not so good weather could be dangerous. Just like our second day of Snorkeling at Daeng Island. One snorkeler pushed back by strong current every time he seeks back to the boat. So our tour guide went to rescue, throw him the buoy and brought him back to the boat unscathed. Heeding warning from the guide is very important.
The best part of snorkeling is not keeping oneself floating but experiencing the wonders beneath the surface. Feeding and chasing the fishes, and getting acquainted with other sea creatures.
The video above shows our novice experience to 3. snorkel in one of the pristine beach of Andaman sea.
Snorkelling Fan,
Sky and Summer
If you let go, remove the anxiety and just be excited in the water..
You'll find that snorkeling is a wondrous water activity.
Deep and open water is just as is, water, and its your nerves that will keep you bouyant and alive.
I was like you before, unable to let go of the life jacket..
But when I tried snorkeling without the jacket, I realised that I can move freely, swim faster, and breath normally through the mouthpiece like Ive been doing it my whole life. So I guess it would only take some ounce of courage to let go which I think everyone has. 🙂
Thanks for the piece of advise and encouragement Francis. In time we'll get used to it.
I'm not that confident swimming in an open sea, that is.
Waaaah! Ang saya naman ng experience niyo, Joey! It's been years since I last had my fill of snorkeling.
It was really fun. You should try to escape this summer and enjoy snorkeling.
I would love to experience snorkelling! Unfortunately I cannot swim in waters above my head. 🙁
Dugay na ko wala ka adto ug dagat baaaaa! BTW read your piece sa Smile Magazine kanina. Kudos!
Samal is just 15 minutes away! hehehe Hey Thanks!
Same here, it's just a matter of courage and push from other people.
This reminds me my first when i was in college when a friend whose parents own a yacht in Palawan. It was all good… until you learn diving. 😀
snorkling is fun , i remember where in krabi thailand seeing does fishes indeed beautiful 🙂
I hope I can experience this too! Where is Krabi, anyway? sorry.. IDK. :/
I always have trouble breathing when snorkeling so I just rather go out of the water from time to time to breathe.
Same here Franc, maybe there's a proper way to do it that we haven't learned yet.
Krabi is a province in Southern Thailand. 🙂
I can agree more, Fun and rewarding 🙂
Diving is next on the list.
I can't seem to figure out how to do the snorkelling thing right. I think I need more practice.
Financial difficulty and drama in real life sometimes caused extreme hindrance, but life's is good.
My husband was into snorkelling a few years back. I remember I had so much fun learning it when he was teaching me way back.
"The best part of snorkeling is not keeping yourself floating but experiencing the wonders beneath the surface." – I very much agree. My first experience in snorkeling was when we were in Boracay. I was afraid to be floating in the waters but then when I saw the fish, the feeling of fear went away and was replaced by excitement and awe.
I'm scared of snorkeling lol but maybe because I haven't tried it yet – hopefully I can do it in the future – it seems fun and exciting!
Practice makes perfect. 🙂
Certainly life is good!
That's good to hear Ms. Kathy, snorkeling is for everybody. It may be intimidating at first but once you start you'll get a hang of it.
I heard about good views of corals and rich biodiversity in Boracay. Soon I can go for Snorkeling there or even dive.
Hey Aisha! it's not that bad scary after all. I know the thought if you have phobia of deep water. Just try it.