Temporary Abode: L’ Armada Guest House, Melaka

16:00 28/4/2012 We’ve been traipsing the historical city for seven straight hours not including our two hours road trip. From walking endlessly in the street of historical Melaka to climbing the steep hills of St. Paul and Bukit Cina. After this deed, You’ll surely picture out out what we had gone through.  Our clothes soaked […]

Melaka Trip: Restrospecting Melaka, An Overview

16:10 29/04/2012 It had been  long been overdue from the time we planned to visit Melaka. The original plan was to go there by Friday night and come back on Sunday afternoon. But it wasn’t followed as our travel mate Manju had some errands to run on Friday. Other reason was,  we don’t want get […]