16:00 04/04/2014 Must try Nasi Gudeg! Countless times we heard this rice dish all throughout Yogyakarta journey whenever we asked locals. Being a foodie, we can’t let pass without sampling this staple food in Jogja. As recommended, we aimed to visit Gudeg Yu Djum touted to be the house of the best Nasi Gudeg in […]
Temporary Abode: Hotel Dafam Fortuna Malioboro Yogyakarta Indonesia

13:00 04/04/2014 Accommodation is on the top of the list that we can let go if we curb our travel budget. If you’re an avid follower in this blog, you know we’d slept in a mixed dorm room, on a dusty airport terminal floor and even the worst hotel you could imagine. Our sporadic travel made […]