04:00 02/05/2014 Bagan had lured global tourists enamored to its centuries old thousand temples spread along the red plains. The spike of visitor enables their tourism related business to thrive. But despite of tourists boon, we noticed the missed opportunity of catering the average spenders. It limits our search to a handful of budget accommodation. If […]
Myanmar Tourist Attraction
Doning Longyi like a Burmese
07:50 02/05/2014 Why are these guys wearing long colorful skirts? The first question ran to our mind after been greeted with sweet Mingalabar upon our exit at Yangon airport. The cab driver wears the same attire like everyone else. Along the way we saw Burmese young and old, women but mostly men wrap their lower […]
Bagan Trip: An Overview

03:40 02/05/2014 We set foot on the ancient city of Bagan on the wee hours with eyes half closed. The bus conductor went on loud outcry waking up everyone to ensure all Bagan bound passengers to disembark. The surrounding was pitched black except for the light coming from the post. An old man riding a […]
Yangon Trip: Chauk Htat Gyi Pagoda

12:35 01/05/2014 “Cha-uk ta-at gi-yi” verbatim as it should be, that’s how we uttered the little famous pagoda to the taxi driver. He responded a bewildering look and silence. We keep on repeating the word hoping he’ll eventually get it but only mustered us with a smile. Great! Deep sigh! As a last resort and […]
Travel Snaps: Shwedagon Pagoda, Yangon Myanmar
Travels Snaps: Features our best photos of iconic places that we visit during our previous travel. It’s a recollection of unforgettable snaps and story behind it.The ginormous golden stupa of Shwedagon Pagoda in Yangon was one of the highlight on our Myanmar visit last year. This famous pagoda enshrines most of Buddha’s holy relics and labeled […]
Yangon Trip : An Overview
08:00 01/05/2014 In recent years, Myanmar or known as Burma, gains a hype in the traveling sphere. It was the result of relaxing it’s visa policy and opening it’s door for tourism. A country shared boundaries with Thailand and Laos on the east, China on the north and Bangladesh on the west. It’s famous for century old […]